Putting People First
$1.7 M earmarked for 2022
This year, Fondation Santé plans to invest more than $1.7 million in local healthcare with the help of generous donors. Here are a few projects we are working on this year.
Bathroom in a multisensory environment at the CHSLD Ste-Croix
A neonatal ventilator to provide optimal ventilation for babies weighing less than 4 kg in emergency situations or during transport to other hospitals.
A cardiology ultrasound that will enable an additional 50 cardiac ultrasounds weekly, ultimately reducing wait times and leading to faster diagnoses.
Technology for real-time bed management to improve hospital fluidity.
An electrocardiograph to monitor the effects of medication in the psychiatric outpatient department, thus eliminating the need for patients to travel to Haut-Richelieu Hospital.
A medical printer for the urology department of Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu, to replace written notes with ureterostomy images in patient files.
A breast cancer specimen imaging system to provide conveniently located services to an estimated 20 patients per month at Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu.
An X-ray device for breast biopsies to optimize time in the operating room – ensuring that the lesion has been entirely excised on-site, rather than sending the specimen to the radiology department for analysis.
An areola tattooing machine for use in breast reconstruction procedures. The aim is to offer a full, free, and quality reconstruction service to patients.
Equipment for the physical rehabilitation departments for a more comfortable physical and cognitive recovery process.
A pleasant, shady garden pavilion where residents and family members of CHSLD St-Joseph can relax in an area sheltered from the sun and poor weather.
Electronic tablets for teleconsultation, catering to 271 users housed in the intermediate resources departments, to avoid numerous transfers to the emergency room.
Works of art to bring colour and joy to the hallways of CHSLD Gertrude-Lafrance and the psychiatric unit of Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu.
Music therapy, zootherapy and various equipment to entertain and improve the daily lives of residents in the six CHSLDs.
Specialized equipment and emergency financial assistance for home care support.
Four youth adventure therapy excursions for young people receiving mental health services. These activities relieve isolation, help participants experience tangible successes, and support the development of social skills.
Brightening the living environments of the six CHSLDs by bringing light and magic to residents during the holiday season.
Three Snoezelen carts, with audio systems and star projectors to provide a relaxing multisensory experience to residents of the Ste-Croix, Champagnat, and Gertrude-Lafrance CHSLDs.
Complete renovation of a 6th-floor bathroom at the Gertrude-Lafrance CHSLD to improve ergonomics and turn bath time into a Snoezelen relaxation experience for patients.
Equipment, including a blanket warming cabinet, to improve comfort for patients at Maison de naissance du Richelieu.
Creation of a breastfeeding room for mothers visiting the CLSC de la Vallée-des-Forts.
The addition of five geriatric recliners and 20 armchairs in the emergency room to enhance comfort for patients and loved ones and reduce the risk of falls.
A reclining chair in the emergency room so that family members of a dying patient can spend final moments together in comfort.
Creation of a family lounge in the emergency department to provide a warm, private and comfortable place for loved ones.
Employee wellness :
Refurbishment of the break room and three solariums at Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu to provide a cozy relaxation space for employees who are working long hours. This room can also be used as a workspace and lounge for interns and students/future employees.
Reclining chairs for night shift employee during breaks
Massage therapy for employees during breaks
An innovative Community Paramedicine – Mobile Clinic project: acquisition of a specially designed and adapted motor home to provide front-line services to orphan clients aged 65 and over.
Refurbishment of the second-floor dining room at CHSLD Gertrude-Lafrance to provide an ergonomic, cozy and adapted space for residents and their families.
Refurbishment of the psychiatric unit to provide a dignified environment conducive to patient recovery
Your generosity helps our projects become reality. Thank you!